Воронежского государственного медицинского университета им. Н. Н. Бурденко



учебная РАБОТА



«General medicine»






I year students

2nd term

Functional anatomy of the oral cavity, esophagus, stomach, small and large intestine. Functional anatomy of digestive glands: salivary glands, liver, pancreas.

General anatomy of serous tunics and serous cavities of the human body. Functional anatomy of the peritoneum.

Functional anatomy of human respiratory organs. Components and their characteristics. Brief organogenesis of the respiratory system, main developmental anomalies.

Development and functional anatomy of urinary organs. Components of the system, features of their structure and function. Main developmental anomalies.

Development and functional anatomy of genital organs. Components of the system, features of their structure and function. Main developmental anomalies.

X-ray anatomy of internal organs

General anatomy of the cardiovascular system. Compartments, morphofunctional characteristics of arteries, veins and capillaries. Microcirculatory bed, collateral blood circulation. Anastomoses, their role in hemodynamics.

Development of the human heart. Structure and topography. Valves, conductive system. Features of blood supply and venous drainage. Main developmental anomalies of the heart and large blood vessels. Structure of the heart in infants.

Anatomy of the venous system. Features of the venous wall structure and venous hemodynamic. Venous return from different parts of the body. Superior and inferior cava veins. Portal vein. Architectonics, topography and anastomoses.

Lymphatic system as a circulatory compartment. Main components, function. Anatomy of the thoraciс and the right lymphatic ducts, their topography and communication with venous system. the role of Russian scientists in in the study of the lymphatic system (G.M. Iosifov, D.A. Zhdanov and others.).

Regional anatomy of lymphatic system. Lymphatic drainage of organs and parts of the body.

Anatomy of human immune organs, their clinical significance.

Functional anatomy of human endocrine organs. Development, structure, classification.